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Saint Gianna Novena

All pregnancies are cause for celebration, as we welcome the gift of new life. Yet pregnancy is also a physical, mental, and spiritual challenge for mothers, and can be made more challenging by health, money, or relationship concerns. St. Gianna Beretta Molla is a powerful patron for pregnant mothers. As a physician, wife, and mother, she knew intimately what it was like to struggle with a challenging medical diagnosis during pregnancy. We ask St. Gianna’s prayers for all women who are pregnant during this time, especially those who are particularly vulnerable, that they be supported and strengthened by God and their loved ones. (You can learn more about St. Gianna’s life at


Let us pray:


O Blessed Mother, you received the good news of the incarnation of Christ, your Son, with faith and trust. Grant your protection to all pregnant mothers facing difficulties.


Guide us as we strive to make our parish communities places of welcome and assistance for mothers in need. Help us become instruments of God’s love and compassion.


Mary, Mother of the Church, graciously help us build a culture of life and a civilization of love, together with all people of good will, to the praise and glory of God, the Creator and lover of life. Amen.


(Our FatherHail Mary, and Glory Be)

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